Familieleden die ons verlieten...

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Op 11 november 2024 overleed in Haarlem Machiel Ribbens (Chiel) op de leeftijd van 81 jaar, echtgenoot van Tiny Admiraal.

Op 15 juni 2024 overleed in Kalmthout Karel Ribbens (Charles Emile) op de leeftijd van 90 jaar. Karel was de echtgenoot van Lea Andriessen.

Op 30 april 2024 overleed in Grand Rapids Michigan John Carl Ribbens op de leeftijd van 71 jaar. John was de laatste 30 jaar van zijn leven blind en gehandicapt door een ongeval.

Op 26 maart 2024 overleed in De Pere Wisconsin William ‘Bill’ H. Ribbens op de leeftijd van 88 jaar. Bill was Norbertijn en werd tot priester gewijd in 1962.

Op 12 maart 2024 overleed in Nuth Piet Ribbens (Petrus Leonardus Adrianus op de leeftijd van 94 jaar. Piet was weduwnaar van Jeanne Vergouwen.


Op 15 aug 2023 overleed in Vlaardingen Johan Ribbens (Johanus Hendrikus) op de leeftijd van 82 jaar. 

Op 13 augustus 2023 overleed in Zottegem Jozef Ribbens (Joannes Jozef) op de leeftijd van 88 jaar, weduwnaar van Eliane De Brecke.

Op 16 augustus 2023 overleed in Brecht Julien Ribbens (Juliaan Adriaan) op de leeftijd van 93 jaar, echtgenoot van Anna Pellis.

Op 12 augustus 2023 overleed in Zottegem Lucien Ribbens (Gustaaf Lucien) op de leeftijd van 83 jaar, echtgenoot van Anna Marie Cooman.

Op 5 juli 2023 overleed in Granville Michigan James Gordon Ribbens op de leeftijd van 71 jaar.

Op 23 februari 2023 overleed in Brussel Marcel Ribbens, partner van Francine Hermans. Marcel werd 75 jaar.

Op 19 februari 2023 overleed in Oosterzele Guy Ribbens (Guy Gerard) op de leeftijd van 61 jaar.

Op 4 januari 2023 overleed in Rijkevorsel Stan Floren, weduwnaar van Wieza Ribbens. Stan werd 89 jaar.


Op 20 oktober 2022 overleed in Essen Victor Ribbens  op de leeftijd van 76 jaar. 

Op 13 oktober 2022 overleed in Heerde Marianne Ribbens  op de leeftijd van 87 jaar, echtgenote van Frederik Hogenbirk.

Op 11 oktober 2022 overleed in Rijkevorsel Wieza Ribbens (Ludovica Joanna) op de leeftijd van 88 jaar. Zij was de echtgenote van Stan Floren.

Op 25 november 2022 overleed in Brussel Julia Ribbens (weduwe Verbestel) op de gezegende leeftijd van 100 jaar. 

Op 1 maart 2022 overleed in Watersmeet Michigan Dennis Neil Ribbens op de leeftijd van 86 jaar, echtgenoot van Harriet Hofstede.

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Dennis Neil Ribbens died at his home near Watersmeet, Michigan on March 1, 2022, after having been diagnosed with prostate cancer years before. He was blessed to be able to continue swimming in the lake, taking walks or ATV rides through the woods, and enjoying the company of his family up until shortly before his death. He died surrounded by many of his children and comforted by the presence of his beloved wife, Harriet.

Dennis was born on November 30, 1935, in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. He is the fourth child of Johan Karel and Cornelia (Vande Creeke) Ribbens. He met his wife Harriet (Hofstede) his freshman year at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan when they were both late for a rehearsal of Handel’s Messiah. It was love at first sight, and they were married by graduation. After earning a bachelor’s degree from Calvin, Dennis went on to receive a master’s degree in English, a master’s degree in library science, and a PhD in library science, all from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Although these degrees required him to commute to Madison, Dennis was a present father throughout and spent many weekends on adventures with his children. Dennis was committed to serving the church in many teaching and leadership roles, and he was also deeply engaged in church music. He loved to sing from his boyhood on, literally singing aloud within 48 hours of his dying.

Love of teaching, reading, and language was a hallmark of Dennis’s life. After completing his PhD he worked as the director of the library at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin for 27 years. During this time he oversaw the building of the Seeley G. Mudd library and the change to an electronic catalog. He particularly loved to teach in the Freshman studies program at Lawrence, passing on his love of literature to his students and improving the writing of anyone whose papers he read. He was active with the Wisconsin Library Association for many years, including serving as president. His scholarly interest was in land ethics, with a special focus on Aldo Leopold and his work.

Dennis’s interest in land ethics stemmed from a deep love for God’s creation. His best hours were those spent outside. He grew up swimming in Lake Michigan and loved to swim his entire life. He and Harriet went canoeing, camping, and biking together throughout their marriage, even in the early years when it involved bringing their young children along. During his years at Lawrence University, he also farmed 75 acres, primarily raising sheep. When he retired, he moved to the Michigan Northwoods where he and Harriet continued to worship God by enjoying the woods, lakes, and wetlands surrounding them.

The love Dennis had for his dear wife Harriet is in part evident by the eight children they raised together. He is survived by his wife as well as five sons, two daughters, twenty-four grandchildren and twelve great grandchildren. These include his son Eric, father of Neli (Paul) Ribbens-Nwawolo and Samara; his son Peter (Nora), father of Clarissa, Joel, and Daniel; his son David (Lois), father of Seth (Hannah), Alexander (Amanda), and Paul (Yazmin); his daughter Kristen (Glenn) Bruxvoort, mother of Abigail (Will Wilson), Brandt (Jenny), Cora, and Dirk (Stephanie); his son Hans, father of Bryn (Matt) Wied, Hannah, and Lars; his son Dirk (Kelly), father of Rebekah and Elissa; and his daughter Sarah (Andrew) Dionne, mother of Anna, Ezekiel, Thomas, Esther, Magdalene, and Ruth. Great-grandchildren include Harriet, Fiona, Henrik, Adeline, Ari, Belle, Emília, Jamison, Coen, Judah, Emre, and Crosby. Dennis was an important figure in the lives of all who called him Dad or Grandpa. He will be sorely missed.

Dennis is preceded in death by his parents and siblings, his son Nathan, who died as a child at nine, and his son-in-law Glenn (Kristen) Bruxvoort.

Above all, Dennis was a child of his Heavenly Father. His only comfort in life and in death was that he was not his own, but belonged — body and soul, in life and in death — to his faithful Savior, Jesus Christ, who fully paid for all his sins with His precious blood.

Dennis’s wife and children rejoice that their husband, father, and grandfather, so strong and vibrant in mind and body, is now rejoicing upon a greater shore, and in a greater light. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His godly ones (Psalm 116:15).”

Father William (Bill) H. Ribbens, O. Praem., age 88, a Norbertine priest and member of St. Norbert Abbey, De Pere, WI, passed into God’s eternal kingdom on March 26, 2024.

Fr. Ribbens was born on April 8, 1935 to the late Jacob and Mary (Hollenstein) in Milwaukee, WI. His home parish was St. Mary’s Parish in Mayville.

Father Ribbens received his undergraduate degree in Biology from St. Norbert College in De Pere in 1957, and was vested into the Norbertine Order later that year on August 28. After making Solemn Profession in 1962, he was ordained to the priesthood on September 12, 1962. He went on to receive his Master of Science in Education degree from Boston College in 1971.

Father Ribbens was assigned to Abbot Pennings High School for a year and then to Premontre High School where he served on the faculty and staff from 1963 until 1978. He also volunteered as a child care worker with the Sisters of Charity for the latter part of those years.

Following his tenure at Premontre, Fr. Ribbens participated in offerings at the Cold Mountain Institute in British Columbia. He returned to De Pere and was appointed Associate Pastor of St. Joseph Parish for two years. In 1982 he became the temporary administrator of the parish and acting school administrator at St. Joseph School.

In 1985 Fr. Ribbens enrolled in a Certification Program for Counseling Alcohol and Drug Dependent Persons. This opened many years of ministry in the 12-Step programs and retreats where he was able to minister to a variety of people to help them find hope, faith, and wholeness in the midst of addictions. He was also active in jail ministry and found that to be a meaningful experience for him and others. Fr. Ribbens was very involved in Hispanic outreach and ministry throughout the Diocese as he helped welcome immigrants and gave them hope for the future. He was often sought after for spiritual direction. Often behind the scenes, Fr. Ribbens lived the Christian mandate of Matthew 25 to its fullest extent in such humble, quiet ways.

Fr. Ribbens is survived by the Norbertine Community; nephews and a niece, cousins and friends.

He was preceded in death by his parents; his brother, John; nephews and a niece; relatives and friends.

The Celebration of Vespers of the Dead (Evening Prayer) will take place at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 2, with Visitation in the Chapter Room of St. Norbert Abbey following until 8:30 p.m. On Wednesday, April 3, Lauds of the Dead (Morning Prayer) will take place at 8:00 a.m. followed by Visitation until the Mass of Christian Burial celebrated at 11:00 a.m. expressing our faith and hope in the promised glory of the Lord’s Resurrection. The Rt. Rev. Dane J. Radecki, O. Praem., Abbot of St. Norbert Abbey, will be the principal celebrant and the Rev. David R. McElroy O. Praem. will serve as the homilist.

Burial will be in the St. Norbert Abbey Cemetery (weather permitting).

The Norbertine Community would like to thank the nurses at St. Norbert Abbey, and everyone at Unity Hospice who cared for Fr. Ribbens.


James Gordon Ribbens, age 71, went to be with his Lord Wednesday, July 5, 2023. He was preceded in death by his parents Marvin and Margaret Ribbens. He will be lovingly remembered by his wife of 41 years, Kathy Ribbens; son, Jonathon Ribbens; sisters Janice Endres and Elizabeth Kish; many nieces, nephews, and friends.

Jim spent nearly all of his career with the state of Michigan in the Department of Natural Resources – Coastal Management Program until 2002 when he retired. He loved nothing more than to be outdoors taking in all of nature and watching God’s creation. He was an avid sportsman in his younger years, enjoying hunting and fishing, and most of all, bird watching. He graduated from Michigan State University and was a strong Spartan supporter for many decades, following basketball and football like a sports reporter. He volunteered for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation as a mentor for the organization, assisting patients struggling with the disease. He was passionate about doing whatever he could to help others. Having received a lung transplant in 2013, he was also a strong advocate for organ donation. He served as a patient advocate for the Spectrum Health lung transplant program and was recognized by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation for all his hard work as a patient advocate. Jim loved his family and friends and looked forward to any event that would bring them all together. He will always be remembered for his kindness and sense of humor, and his dedication to fighting Cystic Fibrosis.

John Carl Ribbens Jr was born the 3rd son of John Ribbens Sr and Gertrude Raetz on January 8, 1953. He was brought up in Rock Valley Iowa, Battle Creek Michigan, Sioux Falls South Dakota, Indianapolis Indiana, and Lafayette Indiana. He served in the Navy between 1971 and 1973 and was stationed at Alameda Naval Base in California.

He married Debbie Neely in 1976 in Bellflower CA. The marriage lasted a couple years, producing a daughter, Carrie, who died at childbirth in 1977. By 1978, John had moved to Grand Rapids and became an Operating Room Technician working with a Neurosurgery team at Blodgett Hospital. Amongst the perks he enjoyed was the doctor’s sailboat on Reeds Lake.

On August 5th, 1984 he was badly injured in a motorcycle accident which left him with closed head injuries, blindness, and a badly fractured right arm. Post injury, he spent time at Mary Free Bed in Grand Rapids and a rehab facility in Troy, New York before being placed in a newly formed Neuro Rehab Center with Hope Networks in GR. He was fortunate to have some caregivers who have been with him for almost 30 years and who remember fondly (or sometimes not!) a pretty strong willed, independent (some might say stubborn) guy who possessed a wicked open mouthed laugh and a good sense of humor to his last day. He died peacefully on a beautiful spring morning, April 30th, 2024. He was 71 years old.

John was preceded in death by his father, John Sr, brothers Bruce, Joel, and Mike, and brother in law Brad Gilman. He is survived by his mother Trudie, his sister Mary Gilman of Boise ID, brother Bryan Ribbens & partner Randy Currey, and nieces Nichole & Stephanie.